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It's Gosu's Monthly Madness: 2 сезон
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: 2й квалификационный тур
The Premier League: 2 cезон
Fantasy Football - UEFA Champions League лига
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: 1й квалификационный тур
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    #1   SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]   
Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска
    #2   bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]   
    #3   Ch3rk4s @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]   
brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq Mad
    #4   Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]   
эх юнайтед...
    #5   КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]   
Arrow Arrow Arrow
    #6   ПИТУШОК @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]   

    #7   сладкий бубал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]   
    #8   fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]   
го пирамидку
    #9   SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]   
№3 Laughing
    #10   qwertyj [4070K O_O] @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Shocked
    #11   SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]   
    #12   PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Shocked
    #13   fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]   
кто сломает тот афтор Surprised

Shocked Shocked Shocked
    #14   dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
    #15   SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked Shocked
Shocked Shocked
    #16   маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]   
Confused Confused
    #17   SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]   
Rolling Eyes
    #18   KRIKU5H4 @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Shocked Shocked
    #19   нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]   
    #20   SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]   
быстрей ска
    #21   fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]   
    #22   PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]   
    #23   LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]   
    #24   s u n r i s e [n00KEAN1] @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]   
Very Happy
    #25   ПИТУШОК @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]   

    #26   Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]   
#3 edik,infa 100% Laughing Laughing Laughing
    #27   lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]   
кто сломает афтора? Shocked
    #28   инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]   
#25 Laughing Laughing Laughing
    #29   Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]   
#25 Laughing Laughing Laughing
    #30   skye @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]   
#25 Laughing Laughing Laughing
    #31   SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]   
кто автор тот и сломает
    #32   LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]   
    #33   Jennifer Aniston frag @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]   
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
    #34   Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]   
    #35   Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Shocked Shocked
    #36   huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]   
афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать Arrow
    #37   DALADNONEVRESH @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]   
    #38   TonyMontana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]   
    #39   aNdY2H @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Shocked Shocked
    #40   beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]   
hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy
    #41   JohnnyGitara @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]   
hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy
    #42   Jennifer Aniston frag @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]   
hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт Cool Cool Cool Rolling Eyes
    #43   beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]   
hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy
    #44   .1699 @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]   

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#1 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]

Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска

#2 bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]


#3 ebnu v borsh @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq

#4 Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

эх юнайтед...

#5 КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#6 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#7 сладкий бобал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#8 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

го пирамидку

#9 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]


#10 pedobir 364 @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#11 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#12 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

#13 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает тот афтор

#14 dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#15 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#16 маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#17 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#18 sokoloff @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#19 нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#20 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

быстрей ска

#21 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#22 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#23 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#24 n00kEaN1 @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#25 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#26 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#3 edik,infa 100%

#27 lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает афтора?

#28 инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#29 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#30 skye from elite @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]


#31 SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]

кто автор тот и сломает

#32 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]

#33 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]

#34 Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]

#35 Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]

#36 huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]

афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать

#37 Shmel1g @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]

#38 t Montana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]

#39 BceIIy4koM 36484 @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]

#40 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#41 sagittarius O_O @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#42 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт

#43 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy


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    #45   body1992 @ 13.07.10 03:30 [пожаловаться]   
    #46   ч0ткость_сэр @ 13.07.10 03:33 [пожаловаться]   
#1 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]

Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска

#2 bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]


#3 ebnu v borsh @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq

#4 Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

эх юнайтед...

#5 КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#6 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#7 сладкий бобал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#8 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

го пирамидку

#9 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]


#10 pedobir 364 @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#11 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#12 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

#13 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает тот афтор

#14 dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#15 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#16 маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#17 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#18 sokoloff @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#19 нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#20 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

быстрей ска

#21 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#22 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#23 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#24 n00kEaN1 @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#25 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#26 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#3 edik,infa 100%

#27 lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает афтора?

#28 инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#29 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#30 skye from elite @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]


#31 SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]

кто автор тот и сломает

#32 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]

#33 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]

#34 Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]

#35 Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]

#36 huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]

афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать

#37 Shmel1g @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]

#38 t Montana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]

#39 BceIIy4koM 36484 @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]

#40 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#41 sagittarius O_O @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#42 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт

#43 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#44 madman_________x________ @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]


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ENC CS 2010: Основной раунд
ENC CS 2010: 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2010 CS: Составы сборных
WC3NC: 3-й сезон
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Pro Division
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ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Норвежская квалификация
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ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Датская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Шведская квалификация
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CEVO XII: Pro Division
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Neo Star League 3 Китай: плей-офф > Форумы > BraBlay > Фотожабы

#1 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]

Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска

#2 bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]


#3 ebnu v borsh @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq

#4 Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

эх юнайтед...

#5 КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#6 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#7 сладкий бобал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#8 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

го пирамидку

#9 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]


#10 pedobir 364 @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#11 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#12 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

#13 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает тот афтор

#14 dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#15 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#16 маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#17 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#18 sokoloff @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#19 нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#20 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

быстрей ска

#21 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#22 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#23 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#24 n00kEaN1 @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#25 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#26 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#3 edik,infa 100%

#27 lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает афтора?

#28 инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#29 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#30 skye from elite @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]


#31 SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]

кто автор тот и сломает

#32 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]

#33 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]

#34 Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]

#35 Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]

#36 huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]

афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать

#37 Shmel1g @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]

#38 t Montana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]

#39 BceIIy4koM 36484 @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]

#40 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#41 sagittarius O_O @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#42 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт

#43 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy


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#45 body1992 @ 13.07.10 03:30 [пожаловаться]

ЗЫ:не копипаст Shocked
    #47   .1699 @ 13.07.10 03:34 [пожаловаться]   

Пользователь: madman_________x________ Сообщения: 0 / 6 Друзья: 0 / 2 Персональная галерея Пользователей онлайн: 53 Искать: Где:

Самые богатые
dadadadadadadadadadad[2-я_ходка_] 20193878
fatty 14285715
Abasrazzo 1092857
pelmeha 879354
kN1v3z 290783
CoolMast 206847
wp 198284
Pontus- 187593
Boew1k 183341
KraytoN 172383


ASUS ENC 2010: Quake Live
e-STARS Seoul 2010: Итоги голосования
Female CS 5on5 EFL Russia Season 1
ESWC Китай: DotA
Список финалистов ESWC 2010.wc3
Arbalet Cup Europe II: Текстовый live
ЛКИ Россия - Про Серия #3
Полный Мировой рейтинг
Рейтинги 2010
Репортаж ECG2010
Репортаж NGF2010
Репортаж Neo Star League сезон 3
Групповая стадия Stars War Китай
Extreme Masters 4 Global Finals: Quake live
ENC CS 2010: Плей-офф
ENC CS 2010: Основной раунд
ENC CS 2010: 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2010 CS: Составы сборных
WC3NC: 3-й сезон
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Pro Division
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Amateur Division
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Норвежская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Финская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Датская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Шведская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Last Chance квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: EAS отборы
Мировые финалы GameOn Quake Live Cup
Stars War Корея: плей-офф
EM 4 Asian Championship Finals: Quake Live
Stars War Reborn: общий репортаж
Stars War Европа: групповая стадия
UNICOM cup в Китае
CEVO XII: Pro Division
XP League Season 6: плей-офф
Neo Star League 3 Китай: плей-офф > Форумы > BraBlay > Фотожабы

#1 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]

Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска

#2 bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]


#3 ebnu v borsh @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq

#4 Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

эх юнайтед...

#5 КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#6 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#7 сладкий бобал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#8 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

го пирамидку

#9 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]


#10 pedobir 364 @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#11 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#12 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

#13 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает тот афтор

#14 dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#15 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#16 маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#17 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#18 sokoloff @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#19 нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#20 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

быстрей ска

#21 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#22 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#23 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#24 n00kEaN1 @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#25 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#26 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#3 edik,infa 100%

#27 lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает афтора?

#28 инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#29 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#30 skye from elite @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]


#31 SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]

кто автор тот и сломает

#32 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]

#33 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]

#34 Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]

#35 Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]

#36 huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]

афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать

#37 Shmel1g @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]

#38 t Montana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]

#39 BceIIy4koM 36484 @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]

#40 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#41 sagittarius O_O @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#42 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт

#43 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#44 madman_________x________ @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]


Пользователь: madman_________x________ Сообщения: 0 / 6 Друзья: 0 / 2 Персональная галерея Пользователей онлайн: 67 Искать: Где:

Самые богатые
dadadadadadadadadadad[2-я_ходка_] 20193878
fatty 14285715
Abasrazzo 1092857
pelmeha 879354
kN1v3z 290783
CoolMast 206847
wp 198284
Pontus- 187593
Boew1k 183341
KraytoN 172383


ASUS ENC 2010: Quake Live
e-STARS Seoul 2010: Итоги голосования
Female CS 5on5 EFL Russia Season 1
ESWC Китай: DotA
Список финалистов ESWC 2010.wc3
Arbalet Cup Europe II: Текстовый live
ЛКИ Россия - Про Серия #3
Полный Мировой рейтинг
Рейтинги 2010
Репортаж ECG2010
Репортаж NGF2010
Репортаж Neo Star League сезон 3
Групповая стадия Stars War Китай
Extreme Masters 4 Global Finals: Quake live
ENC CS 2010: Плей-офф
ENC CS 2010: Основной раунд
ENC CS 2010: 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC CS 2010: 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2010 CS: Составы сборных
WC3NC: 3-й сезон
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Pro Division
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Amateur Division
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Норвежская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Финская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Датская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Шведская квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: Last Chance квалификация
ESL Pro Series Nordic #2: EAS отборы
Мировые финалы GameOn Quake Live Cup
Stars War Корея: плей-офф
EM 4 Asian Championship Finals: Quake Live
Stars War Reborn: общий репортаж
Stars War Европа: групповая стадия
UNICOM cup в Китае
CEVO XII: Pro Division
XP League Season 6: плей-офф
Neo Star League 3 Китай: плей-офф > Форумы > BraBlay > Фотожабы

#1 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]

Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска

#2 bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]


#3 ebnu v borsh @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq

#4 Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

эх юнайтед...

#5 КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#6 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#7 сладкий бобал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#8 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

го пирамидку

#9 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]


#10 pedobir 364 @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#11 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#12 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

#13 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает тот афтор

#14 dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#15 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#16 маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#17 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#18 sokoloff @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#19 нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#20 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

быстрей ска

#21 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#22 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#23 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#24 n00kEaN1 @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#25 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#26 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#3 edik,infa 100%

#27 lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает афтора?

#28 инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#29 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#30 skye from elite @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]


#31 SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]

кто автор тот и сломает

#32 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]

#33 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]

#34 Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]

#35 Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]

#36 huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]

афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать

#37 Shmel1g @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]

#38 t Montana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]

#39 BceIIy4koM 36484 @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]

#40 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#41 sagittarius O_O @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#42 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт

#43 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy


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#45 body1992 @ 13.07.10 03:30 [пожаловаться]

#46 ч0ткость_сэр @ 13.07.10 03:33 [пожаловаться]

#1 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]

Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска

#2 bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]


#3 ebnu v borsh @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq

#4 Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

эх юнайтед...

#5 КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#6 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#7 сладкий бобал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#8 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

го пирамидку

#9 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]


#10 pedobir 364 @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#11 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#12 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

#13 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает тот афтор

#14 dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#15 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#16 маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#17 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#18 sokoloff @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#19 нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#20 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

быстрей ска

#21 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#22 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#23 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#24 n00kEaN1 @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#25 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#26 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#3 edik,infa 100%

#27 lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает афтора?

#28 инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#29 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#30 skye from elite @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]


#31 SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]

кто автор тот и сломает

#32 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]

#33 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]

#34 Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]

#35 Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]

#36 huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]

афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать

#37 Shmel1g @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]

#38 t Montana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]

#39 BceIIy4koM 36484 @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]

#40 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#41 sagittarius O_O @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#42 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт

#43 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#44 madman_________x________ @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]


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Neo Star League 3 Китай: плей-офф > Форумы > BraBlay > Фотожабы

#1 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:42 [пожаловаться]

Хочу фотожабы в три картинки на тему "Как Мурат посылвет на йух ЮНИ"
Быстро ска

#2 bkkzor @ 12.07.10 19:44 [пожаловаться]


#3 ebnu v borsh @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

brablay не твои личный фотожабер mydaq

#4 Альтруист @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

эх юнайтед...

#5 КоварноеПеченько @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#6 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#7 сладкий бобал3х @ 12.07.10 19:45 [пожаловаться]

#8 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

го пирамидку

#9 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]


#10 pedobir 364 @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#11 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:46 [пожаловаться]

#12 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

#13 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:47 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает тот афтор

#14 dream1ng @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#15 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#16 маладой @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#17 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:48 [пожаловаться]

#18 sokoloff @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#19 нищиброд @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#20 SKAAAAAAAAAI @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

быстрей ска

#21 fnt_R @ 12.07.10 19:49 [пожаловаться]

#22 PAPALAM @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#23 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#24 n00kEaN1 @ 12.07.10 19:50 [пожаловаться]

#25 m44jesty [god bana] @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#26 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

#3 edik,infa 100%

#27 lolaJke @ 12.07.10 19:52 [пожаловаться]

кто сломает афтора?

#28 инеблагодари @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#29 Soko1 @ 12.07.10 19:53 [пожаловаться]


#30 skye from elite @ 12.07.10 19:54 [пожаловаться]


#31 SaNDCReW @ 12.07.10 19:55 [пожаловаться]

кто автор тот и сломает

#32 LerоnB @ 12.07.10 19:57 [пожаловаться]

#33 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 12.07.10 19:58 [пожаловаться]

#34 Tanatogluttony @ 12.07.10 20:00 [пожаловаться]

#35 Поцан с Раена 364 [Опять бан sooqa] @ 12.07.10 20:01 [пожаловаться]

#36 huves @ 13.07.10 00:16 [пожаловаться]

афтор 73648 пNздуй н4х7й отсюда блеать

#37 Shmel1g @ 13.07.10 02:59 [пожаловаться]

#38 t Montana @ 13.07.10 03:09 [пожаловаться]

#39 BceIIy4koM 36484 @ 13.07.10 03:14 [пожаловаться]

#40 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:16 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#41 sagittarius O_O @ 13.07.10 03:18 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

#42 sn0rlax Вы забанены с 6.06.2010 по 23.06.2010 @ 13.07.10 03:19 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

зы не копиласт

#43 beKa_b @ 13.07.10 03:21 [пожаловаться]

hooch talks UNiTED future
Time: 2010-07-12 21:33

UNiTED star Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov has confirmed to that he and his team-mates are in the dark about the team's situation.

The future of the Russian-based side is in doubt after Murat "Arbalet" Zhumashevich decided to stop sponsoring the team due to their lack of stability and recent poor results.

UNiTED could not go beyond the opening group stage at the ESWC finals, finishing behind WeMade FOX and Mojawi Gaming, and will not attend Arbalet Cup Dallas later this month as they could not get the required visa to enter the United States.

"We were disappointed but still it was expected because we failed to live up to hopes of Murat Zhumashevich," Bogdanov told

"This man gave us everything a pro player needs to be number 1 but we could not make it and we feel sorry for that.

"We had problems with getting visas and we could not prepare properly for ESWC , but still we could have made it to the 2nd group stage at least.

"We were late with visas to the USA because in Russia it really takes a lot of time to fix get visas to get into the US, the closest meeting was on July 30th.

"Me and all players from my team are very thankful to Murat Zhumashevich, for all good things he did for us."

Quizzed about the future of the team, Bogdanov confessed he does not know what the players will do in the future, but stated that the three Russians in the team will stick together for the WCG qualifiers, where they will play with Alexandr "xek" Zobkov and Andrey "XomA" Mironenko.

The former member added his team are currently looking for an organisation to house them, a support which could prove crucial to decide whether the five players will remain unitedly.

UNiTED had the following line-up:

Dmitri "hooch" Bogdanov
Eduard "ed1k" Ivanov
Roman "ROMJkE" Makarov
Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubayev
Andrew "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy


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#45 body1992 @ 13.07.10 03:30 [пожаловаться]

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